
March 17, 2015

Hello again!

        Well hello and happy 2015- 3 months late! Anybody still out there reading? Doubtful. It's been quite a while since I updated! There has been lots going on in our house the last few months.  So much that it's hard to remember it all and get it down on the blog! Ryah experienced her first Christmas this year- it was much more anti-climatic than we anticipated. It's interesting to explain to a toddler why there is a decorated tree in the house with presents under it. And the whole being excited about waking up to presents to open was totally lost on her haha. We were the ones most excited- just couldn't believe she was finally here for Christmas! After we had our own little family Christmas- we headed to the mountains to see my parents- where she had yet another Christmas experience. After about the 3rd round of gift opening she finally decided it was fun and exciting so I think this year should be fun!
       In other big news, Ryah is going to be a big sister!! Most of you probably already know, but just in case, we are expecting baby sister in June! Not much longer now! We can't wait to meet this little one that God has blessed us with.  I think Ryah is going to love being a big sister and be a huge help- she loves babies! We still don't think she fully understands there is an actual baby in mommy's belly, though she talks about it all the time and constantly wants to show her things. She know we have to wait a looonnngg time for her to get here, but that long time is quickly getting shorter and shorter! We are finally starting nursery prep this week! So thankful that God has blessed us with 2 precious girls. Even now, with Ryah, I am learning more and more just how dependent I am on God for strength.  This mom job is hard! Training and shaping little hearts is not easy, and we are about to add another to the mix! It's going to get a little more crazy around here- but we are excited and thankful! It's a good crazy and we wouldn't have it any other way!
          In preparation for baby sister- Ryah is now in her big girl toddler bed so we could move the crib into baby sister's room. She is enjoying her new found freedom and probably getting a little less sleep- I know mommy is! She has had so many changes lately.  We have really started branching out with working on attachment and getting her comfortable being left with a babysitter or going to her class at church.  We have been really conservative up until this point- which is what she needed. But with baby sister coming, we needed to make some changes and get her used to being with other people.  So far she has done great! She loves her class at church, and is enjoying making new friends at small group! Her speech has also come a long way in the last 2 months especially.  She is talking in sentences now- which I couldn't have imagined 6 months ago.  It's been a huge leap! We still have a long ways to go- but I am so proud of the progress she has made and hopefully all of her new social interaction will boost her speech and confidence even more!
        We are very ready for spring and are enjoying this gloriously beautiful day as a type on the front porch watching her play in the yard! I know adding a newborn is not the best time to pick back up with blogging- but I'm going to try to get back in the habit before she gets here because I'm sure there will be plenty of crazy antics I will want to document! Thanks for reading if you made it this far- check back again soon!