In November- being the book lover that I am, I decided to join Usborne Books & More as a consultant! If you've never heard of Usborne, We are a European company- the 2014 Children's Publisher of the year! We have over 1800 books to choose from, from babies- all the way up to young adult. Y'all- these seriously are the BEST books! I am still amazed every time we get new books with just how beautiful and fun they are! They're engaging and smart and top quality! We are BIG fans! Any time we get ready to read- these are the books Ryah goes for now. She's constantly bringing them to me and wanting to read. Even Cora has figured out she likes them too- the touchy feely baby books are so adorable and she's touching them all the time. That's what we're about- giving children a love of reading and spreading literacy. This is definitely a company I can get behind! Not only are my children getting exposed to outstanding books- I'm making money doing it! These books sell themselves- once you see them, it's hard not to become a junkie. Check this out!
You need to get your hands on these books! That's where I come in. As a consultant- I help you host parties with your friends! You can have a fun girls night, and get some great books for your families. Our hostess rewards are awesome- FREE books! You can even host a virtual book party on Facebook for friends you may know that aren't local. Host a baby book shower for a new mom! I'm in the process of becoming an Educational Consultant so that I can work with schools and libraries to do book fairs and other fundraisers. The possibilities are endless and I'm so excited to see where this job takes us, all while still being able to stay home with the girls. Check out my website and Facebook page below and contact me if you want more information or are interested in hosting a party! I'm always happy to answer questions or chat, and I'd love for you to join my team! We have extensive team training and these ladies are just fun to work with!!
So that's a little about that book thing I've been doing. If you see me posting about books- this is what it's about!
Happy reading, friends!