
November 10, 2010

Bows, Bows, Bows

So after the Craft Fair this past Saturday I have lots of bows left over.  I thought I'd put them up on the blog and sell them here, bows to bring home our baby!  You know you want some!  These are some samples of what I have left but I can definitely make more if there is enough interest.  I can also customize the bow holders that are pictured with whatever letter/color/ribbon you like.  Email me at scoalson104(at)gmail(dot)com if you'd like to order.  Thanks in advance for helping bring home our baby!

These are the $4 bows, the bow holders are $5


Tiny bows, perfect for babies, $1.50

Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for another fundraiser that we're starting soon!


  1. My wife is unbelievably talented!

  2. You should make dog collars. Then I could buy one :) :)

  3. I bet you could do them if you already know how to make these cute bows. We will definitely purchase one but if you make a UNC one and Paul will definitely be sold! :) Good luck, girl!
