
June 16, 2011

Quick Update

I have totally gotten behind in my blogging.  I figured since summer was here I'd have the time to do it, so far, not the case!  We had my parents come into town last weekend to celebrate my brother's birthday, and tomorrow Aaron's parents will be here for the weekend!  We are excited to see both of our parents within a week, a rare treat, especially for them to come here!  So we have been a bit busy lately, but a good busy!  I am definitely not complaining since I've got things to do to keep my mind off this wait!  I'm also keeping myself busy with a long reading list and projects to do around the house.  Anyway, just wanted to update that we did get our FDL in the mail last Monday, woo hoo!!! We got it notarized and mailed it of to AGCI and our dossier is now COMPLETE!! Now there really is no more paperwork for a while. YES!!  We're sittin' pretty on the bottom of the list right now, enjoying this time of preparation.  I promise I do have some posts in the works of things I'm working through, I've been saying that for like a month, but they're coming.  Maybe next week?  Also, if y'all wouldn't mind praying for my brother and sister in law, they're leaving to go on a mission trip to Haiti this weekend and I know they would love your prayers!! They actually going to be visiting an orphanage while there so they'll get to love on the kiddos!  Happy Weekend y'all!

1 comment:

  1. SO AWESOME that your dossier is complete!

    One step closer!

    Brooke Annessa
