
December 23, 2011

December Numbers!!

Well, we finally have December numbers!! And we are finally beginning to see some movement after almost 3 months of none at all.  So I am actually excited about posting these this month.  We are so thankful for this journey, even when the hard months come, we know it is all worth it.  Even when our hearts ache this Christmas, we know that the time will come, in His perfect timing, where there will be the cutest little smile looking up at us from under the tree and it will all be worth it.  All the pain will seem like a distant memory, and although there will be new hard and painful things, we will do it as a family, and we will have learned so much.  So yes, this wait is worth it. And we would gladly do it all over again.  Here are our numbers this month:

For a Girl:

For a Boy:

We moved 3 spots on both lists this month, and the day before we got these there was more movement that isn't included in these numbers, so we are actually unofficially a little lower :)  We are rejoicing in the one whose birth we will be celebrating this weekend, He is faithful!!


  1. Yay! Excited to see those number drop!


  2. YAY!!! LOVE your new, lower numbers!!! This was a fun month to finally have some movement! :)

  3. Congratulations! What a blessed Christmas present. :)
