
July 8, 2013

That's a Wrap!

         Now that we have successfully blown up your Facebook and twitter for the last week, our Give1Save1 week has come to an end.  It was one amazing week! As of right now, we raised $4,008!!!!! In one week! And donations are still coming in! We have been reminded over and over again that God sees our daughter.  He loves her infinitely more than we ever could and he is going to bring her home! I love doing things like this, because I love seeing how God works.  For us, through this process, there have been so many people, along with friends and family, that have heard our story and helped us raise funds.  When I look at the list of the people who have donated for this fundraiser there are a lot of them that I don't know.  It's so amazing to see who God chooses to work through to accomplish his purpose. We've had so many notes of encouragement and offers to fundraise and blog posts written- which by the way, if you haven't read this post that a friend of ours wrote for us, you should stop reading this and click over there now.  She so beautifully said everything that we want to say about this process.
       Now- a huge THANK YOU to every single one of you who read the blog, watched the video, shared it, and donated last week! Thank you for rallying around us to bring our daughter home!  We are still completely overwhelmed at the generosity we have seen this week and we have so many stories to tell Ryah of God's faithfulness and his working to bring her home.  I am working on trying to find a way to thank each of you individually- but for now, if you read this, THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts!!  We still have a ways to go to reach our goal of funding the rest of this adoption- but I have no doubt that God will do it- people, HE IS GOOD! So I will be leaving our Pure Charity button up on the blog for a while and if you feel led to donate please do! If you donate through PC it is completely tax deductible, or you can donate through PayPal as always. You can even send a check if you would like- just email me for our address!
      On Friday- pretty much at the end of the day, when I thought time had passed and we wouldn't hear anything; we heard that our preliminary court hearing has been scheduled for THIS WEDNESDAY!! TWO days from now! That is so incredibly awesome! Thank you for praying with us that this would happen soon! I had been praying that we would hear something the week of our fundraiser, and once again God proved himself faithful. However, we have once again hit another bump.  There is an approval letter that is needed at this court hearing, that is normally there on this date, but the people who write them we have been informed are about 2 weeks behind in writing them.  The catch is, our court date, where we would get to travel and go hold our girl, cannot be scheduled until this letter arrives.  So we are literally down to the wire of being able to make it to court before they close.  Please pray boldly with us that this letter will arrive this week and we can receive our court date. We are preparing ourselves mentally that we may not be able to travel until October, but I believe that God is going to make this happen.  I believe we will travel before the closure.  Please believe and pray with us- this little girl needs her mommy and daddy!  We will update as soon as we know more!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited! On our knees for our sweet niece Ryah , we know God will bring her home soon! Thanks for the update the letter is in our prayers we know God will bless you're faithfulness!
