
October 24, 2013

Auction Result and We are Submitted!!!

Y'all I am just praising God for his goodness and faithfulness this week! Our auction was a HUGE success! I mean blow our minds huge success! God provided in big ways through this auction and we are SO thankful! We were hoping to make around $1000 on the high end, but I am so excited to report that we were able to raise over $2200!!! Seriously! We are just in awe at the provision! This will cover the majority of our travel expenses for our next trip-huge blessing! Everyone who participated in the auction was so incredibly generous and thank you is just not enough. We are so, so thankful for everyone who is helping us get sweet Ryah home! Each of you had a hand in helping change the world for this one little girl- what an awesome blessing!
And the icing on the cake yesterday was waking up to an email from the Embassy saying our case had been SUBMITTED! Praise the Lord! We are so close to getting her home! We would greatly appreciate prayers for this part of the process to go quickly! What happens now is that the US Embassy basically goes back and checks everything that the ET government has already done(sounds crazy I know- but they are in the process of changing this). We are beyond ready for our sweet girl to be home! And Lord willing it will happen soon!! We were told this part of the process was pretty backed up- but we have started to hear that things are turning around- so please pray! Hoping to have another update soon!

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