
June 29, 2012

Paperwork Round 2!

It's that time! We have reached the time period where most of our adoption paperwork is going to expire, sad, I know.  And lucky for us, everything expires at different times, fun! Our USCIS fingerprints expire in August, but we already got those redone earlier this month.  Our Home study expires in October, which we have to start working on now! And our immigration approval expires in December. Lucky for me, our awesome caseworker got me on the right track to know when to start working on this stuff, because there's another catch, most things can't be updated unless you're within 90 days of the original expiring.  Which is why we have to start working on our home study update in July, but we can't send it in to immigration until September.  Are you confused yet? :) So today and next week we've got all our appointments lined up to update documents for our Home study that I plan to send off before I head down to GA for one of my best friend's wedding! Our home study agency says to plan on a few week turn around since they have such a huge case load right now.  Our amendment we did 2 months ago took a LONG time to get done, and we want this update done ASAP, so I've already been working ahead making sure I've got everything ready to go before I go out of town next week!  Hopefully everything will go as planned and it will be a smooth update process, and we will be that much closer to seeing our baby's face!! I won't have a number update until next week, they got a little backed up from having an exciting week of movement, praise the Lord!! But we are so close to the 30's, praying we get there by the update next week :)

June 21, 2012

Yard Sale- Round 4!

We're having another yard sale this weekend!  We have graciously been donated literally car-loads of stuff from our church family and friends and we are hoping and praying to put a dent in the last chunk of money we need to raise for this adoption!  We've got furniture, toys, clothes, home decor, books, baby items, etc. So if you're local, we would love for you to stop by!  These yard sales have been a huge success for us in the past, and Lord willing, we won't be encountering any snow on Saturday, but it will be quite warm!  Apparently, we only do yard sales in extremes around here :)  We are beyond thrilled that we are working towards raising the last amount of money we need to fund this adoption. As I mentioned before we are about $3500 away from being fully funded, praise the Lord!  Only God could do this, only he could have provided so much, and we want all the glory to be his!  Even after 18 months, he is still providing a way for us to bring this baby home, we are so blessed! Email me at scoalson104 (at) gmail (dot) com if you would like to come by this weekend and need the address. We would love to see some of you and would appreciate the prayers for Saturday!

June 14, 2012

Finding the Crib

Yep, that's right, I found a crib!  One of my summer projects this summer has been to start working on the nursery.  I've been scouring websites and craigslist to find the perfect crib, and about 2 weeks ago I found it!  I looked on craigslist one last time one night after being frustrated about not finding anything, and this beauty popped up!  I was so excited and snagged it right away.  It might still be early, but it helps to have this and know that things are coming together! I've had the bedding for a year now and I was excited to finally have something to put it on to see what it looks like, and I love it! I didn't take a picture of that yet, but I had a couple from us putting it together until hubs told me to put down the camera and help him :) So, here is where our sweet baby will be sleeping!!

It's practically brand new and we got too good of a deal on it to pass it up!  Can't wait until there is a little one sleeping in there!