
March 24, 2011

Back in Town

My hubby and I just got back from quick trip to the mountains!  It has been an incredibly busy/stressful month and we needed to get away!! Every now and then it is good to get away and just recharge for a while.  We needed some time to just be alone with each other, and with God, to reconnect a little bit. Some time to escape all the paperwork and fundraisers.  We are so incredibly thankful for this journey we are on, and we wouldn't trade it for the world!  But I am also thankful for a husband who knows when it's time for us to have some quality time and will move around his schedule to make it happen!  We spent 3 days relaxing, reading the Word, watching movies, and just resting, it was oh so good!!  So it was back to reality today, and all my little pre-schoolers were going full steam!  Nothing like ten 1-2 year olds to bring you back to reality :)

Nothing really to report on the paperwork front right now, we are waiting on a copy of our homestudy, it's written, but being edited now.  Hoping to get our hands on that soon so we can send it to AGCI and then off to USCIS!  So ready to be on the waitlist and that much closer to our baby!  Speaking of of my friends and I went to a huge community yard sale last weekend and I found the best deal!!  Since we have no idea of anything really(age, gender, etc), when it comes to baby, we have decided to do our nursery in Winnie the Pooh!  It's pretty gender neutral, and I was a huge fan when I was little :) so imagine my excitement when at one of the yard sale stops I spy this:
It was a whole entire Pooh bedding crib set!  So this is the comforter! I got this, 5 sheets, the crib bumpers, a lamp, a night light, a rug, and a mobile!  It all matches and the best part was I got all of that for $30!!!  It would have been well over $150 if I bought it all new, and it hardly looks used!  Needless to say I was super excited and it was totally worth getting up early!  I LOVE it!  I know it's early to be buying this stuff, but I could NOT pass this deal up, it was too perfect!! 

Hopefully we'll have homestudy news soon! Have a great weekend! I'm off to get my coupons ready for Harris Teeter Super Doubles!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, congrats on your great deal!!!

    Much love,
    Future Mama
