
August 13, 2012

Puzzle Update

Some of you, who have been reading for a while, may remember this post, which can also be found on the tabs at the top of the blog.  We did a puzzle fundraiser back at the beginning of this process.  We purchased a puzzle to go with the theme of our nursery, which is classic pooh( side note- I've been working little by little on the nursery and it's starting to come together, it's super cute and I can't wait to show you!) Anywho, the fundraiser involved selling pieces of the puzzle, writing names on the back, and framing it in a double sided frame so that we could always remember who helped us bring our baby home.  Our goal was to sell 500 pieces, and to date, we've sold about 260, so about half of our goal.  Until last week, the puzzle was just sitting in the top of our closet, waiting to be put together. Well, now that I've been working on the nursery, I figured it was as good a time as any to put that thing together and get it ready! I'm sure some of you have been sitting on the edge of your seat just wondering where this puzzle has been :) Wait no longer, here are the beginnings of our puzzle!

It's coming along quite nicely! The top picture was taken last week, and the bottom one I took this afternoon, so it's almost done! Hoping to have it done by this weekend b/c I got an awesome coupon to use for framing in the paper this weekend! And I don't know if you can tell by the picture or not, but we couldn't have picked a more irritating puzzle to put together! It's 1000 pieces and they are all GREEN!! or some sort of greenish brown, dark green, etc, etc. As you can see, I've managed to get the "easy" part done and am now left with just a pile of green that I'm supposed to figure out how to put together.  Don't know who's bright idea that was, or who thought it was a good idea to by a puzzle with such awesome color variation, but alas, I love it and can't wait to hang it in our baby's room!

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