
October 22, 2012

2 Years

          This post is a little late- 2 years actually happened last week and it's been a little crazy around here...but none the less, 2 years has gone by since we started this adoption process.  To me- that sounds crazy! I went back this weekend to read some of my first posts on this blog, and they were so full of excitement and hope that we would be having a baby soon.  No where in my sweet little head did I imagine I would be sitting here 2 years later, writing this blog post and still not have a baby in this house or at least a picture to stare at all day.  This journey is long.  But it is so so worth it.  I was reminded the other day that God allows- yes I said allows- us to wait for good things. He has allowed us to wait for 2 years. He wants us to learn more about him in this wait, and boy have we ever!  He knows that what he is going to give us at the end of this wait is more than worth it, he knows that us learning about and knowing him better is the ultimate end and is way more than worth it.  There have been so many ups and downs throughout this process, and some of my closest friends, and especially my husband ;) may think I'm a total lunatic!  Adoption is a beautiful, hard, messy thing, and that's just in the waiting part.  I can only imagine how much those will be intensified once we have our sweet one here.  Adoption has a way of connecting you to people and places you've never seen or even met before.  I am beyond thankful to have a strong adoption community here full of people who get it.  Who know that some days you just want to throw your phone across the room and cry because it hasn't rang yet- but in that same moment you can't just leave it there because what if it does ring? See what I'm talking about people- crazy!
            On top of all the adoption crazy- we've had some other life changes going on in our life right now.  My hubby is taking on a new position at work, we've decided to put the brakes on seminary for while, and our house is now on the market after learning we would be here longer than we initially planned and we'd love to have more space for that. So this has been a great distraction for me and my phone staring tendencies.  I've had a lot more to think about and distract me from thinking about 2 years going by- hence why this post is late.  After we did our home study update this summer I told my husband we weren't changing anything else until this baby comes home- because that would once again involve more paperwork.  But apparently God had other plans and I spoke to soon :)  We are excited about this new time in our lives and to see what God has in store.  We are still anxiously waiting and praying that the phone call we've been waiting 2 years for will be coming soon.  Please keep praying boldly with us.  The end of the year is coming quickly- but with God, all things are possible and we are clinging to his promises to complete this good work!


  1. Hang in there friend, you're so close! God is faithful!

  2. Stephanie, I too thought we would have a baby by now! But, God, in all his wisdom & glory is preparing the "perfect " baby for you & Aaron! I wish I could take away all your pain, frustrations, & heartaches! We will continue to wait & pray with you guys. Sometimes when I miss you guys so much it feels as if my heart is broken into a million pieces & I wait with anticipation until I can see you again & hug you, I am reminded that it is just a sample of how you must feel waiting to see and hold your baby! We love you guys more than my inadequate vocabulary could ever express!

  3. Exciting times for you guys! and praying that you see your baby by the end of the year, regardless the Lord is faithful so hang on!
