
May 21, 2013


Well, there's not really much to update on at this point, but I did have a few things to share and some things you awesome readers can be praying about!  We are currently still waiting to hear that we have been submitted to the ET court.  I received an email last week with a general sort of timeline on how we can expect things to go from here.  It says that it generally takes about 8 weeks for all the paperwork  that is needed to be gathered and submitted to court, but it could take longer.  We are sitting at week 7 right now! Talk about suspense- it is driving me nuts!! We know that it could take longer, but would you join us in praying that we would be submitted by the end of the month?  It is totally doable- God is able and bigger than any timeline we are given.  If this happens, we should be in ET sometime this summer for our court date!! So please keep praying for that as well- we are SO ready to hold our sweet girl!  Speaking of, I met a new friend last week who is also here in Raleigh, and also has a daughter in the same care center as ours, and they are leaving for court in 2 days!!! So excited for them to meet their girl- and they are also taking a little package I put together for Ryah- she's finally going to get to see our faces!! Words can't even describe how awesome it is to have other families love on our girl while we aren't there and let her know we are coming, this also means we will hopefully have some new pictures and video soon!! Please pray for safe travels for this family!
On the fundraising front- we are waiting to hear back from a few grants we have applied to- which will hopefully happen in June as well.  And we are also waiting(this theme just continues!) to hear if we have been chosen to have our story featured on a blog that will hopefully be an awesome opportunity to share our story and raise funds.  We had a video done for this by one of hubby's CFA friends and he did an amazing job- I can't wait to show it to you!  So, that's where we are right now- lots of waiting and praying to be done! And while I'm doing that I'm occupying myself by trying to finish girlie's nursery! It's coming along nicely! I was reminded this weekend that there are so many people praying for our girl and our family that we aren't even aware of, all because of this little blog.  I have no idea who and how many are reading this, but we are forever grateful for the prayers and will have one amazing story to tell our daughter one day, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the update! praying you guys hear something soon!!!
