
July 18, 2013


Praise the Lord- we found out yesterday morning that we have a court date! We are going to meet our baby girl!! Ahh!!! Seriously amazing!!  We will be holding her in less than 2 weeks! We've been staring at her picture for 3.5 months- and now we will finally get to see her and hold her and tell her how precious she is and how much we love her.  So, so ready!! Thank you all so much for the prayers you sent our way for paperwork. This was undeniably God orchestrating this.  We were just told on Tuesday that we were missing not just one- but 2 letters at our preliminary hearing last week.  We knew we would be missing one, but missing the other was a surprise.  So we expected at least another 2 weeks delay in hearing anything- and possibly not making it in before the courts close.  But God totally intervened and brought in both of the letters in record time and we now have a court date! I am so relieved to not have to worry about her being in an orphanage a couple months longer than necessary because of not making it before courts close.  We are trying to finalize our flight plans right now- it has been unbelievable crazy to try to do this now.  Apparently everyone is trying to do what we are doing- and flights are not only outrageous in price because of it being peak season and short notice, but they are also filling up as soon as we find anything that may work! So crazy!! As I mentioned before- we are still short of our fundraising goal and these flights are way higher than we anticipated. So if you feel so inclined to help us bring Ryah home you can still donate through our Pure Charity link on the right or Paypal on the left!
Now- we will not be able to bring Ryah home on this trip. After court we will come back home and wait for the Embassy process to take place.  It will be at least 8 weeks after court before we can return to bring her home.  Those will be the longest 8 weeks of our lives. Please pray for our trip, for all of our hearts, as we prepare to do one of the hardest things we've ever done.  So much joy is surrounding this trip- but also sadness as we think about having to leave her and her having no idea what is going on.  We know she is in good hands- but it is still going to be so hard and we are praying for our Father to protect her little heart and love her in ways that we can't. Alright- off to finalize those flights! Can't believe I'm finally saying that!!!


  1. Praise the Lord!!!!! Seriously had chill bumps running down my arms as we read this post out loud and celebrated!!!! We are praying!

  2. woo hooo!!!!!!! praise the Lord!!!
