
October 26, 2010

Application Mailed!!

Today we mailed our official application in to AGCI!  We were on our way back from a wedding weekend/anniversary getaway and we stopped at a random post office in SC to get all of our info in the mail! We were so excited to officially get the process started! Hopefully we'll hear back from them at the beginning of next week and we can begin telling people.  We've told a few close friends who have/are going through the process so that we can have their support and have them pray with us and we also told our family while we were home this weekend.  We thought it would be something they would want to hear in person and they all took the news really well! They seemed pretty excited at the thought of being grandparents! So, the ball is officially rolling now on our journey to our baby! We're brainstorming ideas for fundraisers right now so there will be more to come on that later, we're going to get started right away! The first thing we have coming up is the craft fair at SEBTS on Saturday, November 6 from 9-3.  Originally I was just doing this for fun but now I'm going to use it as a kick-off for starting our fundraising. So if you're in the area, come out and see me, along with several other adoptive families from our church! What better way to kick off the Christmas season?

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