
August 31, 2011

Created for Care!

Well, I am SUPER excited about this event this year.  Last year, when registration opened, we had not yet started the adoption process.  However, a few months later, we were in the thick of paperwork and I remembered this retreat, only to find out that it had filled up within 48 hours, so it just wasn't going to happen, and I was kicking myself the whole time for not signing up.  This year, I am ready for it! Registration opens at 12:01 am tonight!! We are leaving out early in the morning for a trip to pray about church planting, so I can't decided if I should stay up and register at midnight or wait and do it right before we leave bright and early.  Either way, I could not be more excited!! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, this is an event for adoption mama's(although you don't have to be, you can just be interested in adoption, or want to support a friend who is adopting).  It's a weekend long retreat at an awesome lodge in GA, spent meeting hundreds of other women who are right where we are, have already been where we are, or want to learn more.  A weekend spent learning more about the Father, from the Father, learning from each other, and just sharing our hearts with other women who have the same passion.  To see the orphan become orphan no more.  Seriously, it's going to be an amazing weekend and I can't wait!!  I'm also excited to get to meet lots of my bloggy "friends" in person!!  So, if you want more info, check out the website here, and there's a list of the awesome breakouts over on Andrea's blog.  You really don't want to miss this!! Who's in??


  1. This sounds like a great time! I cannot imagine being surrounded by so many like-minded moms!

  2. I am in!!! Can't wait to meet you in January!!! :)
