
August 19, 2011

What are we waiting for?

Now that I am not in the habit of blogging regularly I randomly have thoughts float through my head that I think would make a good blog post, but I rarely take the time to sit down and actually write it.  I've been thinking about this post for about a week now.  I've been listening to this awesome CD:
This is the new CD of one of the awesome worship leaders at our church.  Everyone needs to get this CD!! There is so much truth and so much Gospel in this one album, it's amazing!  Definitely a nice change from some of the fluff that's on Christian radio right now.  The premise of the CD is that the Gospel changes everything and asks the questions, are we living as though Jesus is alive? and what are we waiting for?  Jesus has called us all to go, he has called us all to care for orphans in some way.  That along with this video(pause the music at the bottom of the page first):

have just really gotten me thinking lately.What are we waiting for? As Matt's song says, "a message in the sky? a sign from up above? is not His Word enough?"  God's word clearly tells us to care for the poor, the orphan, the widow, as Katie says in her video "it's not an option."  Us adopting should not be viewed as us doing something noble, or "super christian", we are just obeying God's word. Not to say that everyone should adopt, but we are all called to care for the orphan in some capacity.   
We are also all called to make disciples and take His Word to the nations. And yet so many times we don't, myself included.  My prayer lately has been,taken from  another line in the song, that I would not become to comfortable with amazing grace, and to familiar with the empty grave. We cannot wait to have this baby home so that we can share the love of our amazing Father with him/her.We have so much to celebrate, and so much to tell the world about.  So what are we waiting for? 


  1. "What are you waiting for" is what got us up off our behinds and got us moving forward with out adoption.

    Because really, what ARE you waiting for?


  2. I recently came across your blog and I love knowing that a child will be adopted into your family. My husband and myself are also in the process of adopting a little girl, hopefully within the next few years. I was writing to see if you would like to do a Thirty One Fundrasier for your adoption funds? I sell Thirty One ( and I would love to offer you profits of a fundrasier for the month of September. If you are interested, let me know by emailing me at Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Tara
