
January 24, 2012


There really aren't words to describe the humbled feeling that Aaron and I have felt over the past week.  We are still in the process of fundraising for this adoption.  As you all know, adoption is expensive and we are two 25 year olds, one in seminary, that don't make a lot of money.  And yet God has called us to adopt.    Something that very obviously doesn't make sense on paper.  Once we said yes and decided to take the leap of faith, we knew that God would provide, we didn't know how, but we trusted.  We have seen God work and move and provide every step of the way through this process.  Any time we had money due for a certain step, it was there.  Miraculously it all came together. Friends, family, and strangers have all played important roles in God's plan to make that happen.  We have by the grace of God, raised everything that we needed up to this point.  We are so thankful for that!  After we turned in our dossier, we took a break from fundraising.  And honestly, even after watching everything come together in the beginning, part of me doubted.  Part of me thought, yeah we made it this far, but how are we going to come up with the 10, possibly $15,000 more that we need?  I was fundraised-out you could say and my mind was drawing a blank of what to do next, but I knew we had a long wait ahead to figure it out.  Once again, my lack of faith got the better of me.  I was trying to do it on our own again.  I was focused on how WE could make it happen, not on trusting GOD to make it happen.  When will I learn?  God is so much bigger.  I have debated on even posting about this, but y'all, God is just working.  He is so good, faithful, and loving.  He truly cares about each one of His children.  Back in October we applied for a grant.  The only one we've applied for up to this point, besides the one our church offers.  We scrambled to get the paperwork together(I was so over paperwork still) and mailed it off, hoping and praying for any little bit of help we could get.  Well, last week we got a letter in the mail, a letter from the grant agency letting us know that we had been awarded $6000!!!!  We could hardly believe it, we can still hardly believe it and we are incredibly humbled.  Humbled that God would put us on this journey, that He would use us, and that He would provide for us in such a mighty way!  This could possibly be about half of what we have left to raise, depending on travel costs, which we won't know until that point.  I don't say this to brag, I just want everyone to know that our God is mighty.  He owns the cattle of a thousand hills and this adoption cost is a drop in the bucket for Him.  When my feeble mind starts to lose faith and question, He is right there saying "haven't I told you that I got this?  Haven't I told you that I love you and this child you are bringing home?  That nothing is impossible for me? I am Faithful"  Praise God is all we can say.  Our adoption verse, Ephesians 3:20-21 just continues to resound in my head- To Him who is able to do abundantly more than all we ask or Him be the glory!!


  1. I love, love, love seeing and hearing about all the different ways God provides during the adoption journey...He funds what He favors! :) And it is always ok to brag on the Lord!

  2. Praise God! HE is just so great--and to Him be the glory forever and ever!
