
June 19, 2013

Submitted to Court!!!

Praise God! This morning we found out that we have FINALLY been submitted to the court in ET!! YES!! I may have jumped around and did a happy dance when I got that email! So- we now wait some more to hear that a preliminary hearing has been set up(this will not be the date that we travel), and after everything has cleared that hearing- we should hear sometime that week about OUR court date- which is when we will get to travel and go meet our baby girl! Ahhh! It's finally happening! We could be just weeks away from holding our girl!! So excited! Please continue to pray that things go smoothly and quickly from here on out.  We are in the countdown to courts closing now and we need to get there before they do!  Our case is completely in the hands of the court now- there is nothing the agency or us can do at this point.  But God is good and has gotten us this far and we are continuing to trust Him!

So- as I have mentioned before- because we switched agencies, we are in need of more funds.  And this is where the Give1Save1 fundraiser comes into play that I mentioned last week! We are going to be the featured family on their blog the week of July 1!  Aaron and I have a video that we made specifically for this and we can't wait to share it with you- so mark your calendar for July 1 and come back and check it out! We will need your help in sharing it with as many people as possible so we can cover more ground and raise some money to bring our girl home!! We have until our court date to raise the rest of the money we need- which should only be a month or so away, so that week is going to be crucial! Facebook it, blog it, tweet it, email it- whatever! We can't do this without your help and we can't wait to see what God is going to do through this.  He has continually provided everything we need and we are going to be covering that week in prayer. Don't worry, I'll remind you again before it gets here and many times that week :)  Thanks so much for the prayers!


  1. Can't wait to see the video and share the Give1Save1 week! Praying you hear of your court date soon!! So happy for you Stephanie!

  2. So excited for you guys and can't wait to see how big God works this coming week during your fundraiser!! Ill check back tomorrow :-)!
