
December 20, 2013

3 years, 2 months, and 12 days later….

Our precious daughter is coming HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are completely overjoyed and so thankful to our gracious Father! He has heard our cries, seen every one of our tears and he is bringing Ryah home!! We got word yesterday morning that our case has been cleared by the Embassy in ET and we can now go get our sweet girl!! In just 8 short days our girl will be in our arms forever!!! It is so surreal- a little hard to believe it's finally happening, but praise God it's happening!! Thank you Jesus! He moved an incredibly big mountain to get our girl home, and we are forever grateful. Thank you to each and every one of you who has prayed for us and for Ryah, who has helped us fundraise, and has been a constant source of encouragement. This has been one crazy ride over the last few months and we are glad that this part of the journey is coming to an end! We cannot wait to see what beautiful things God has in store for this next part of the story, I can assure you they will be good and perfect gifts from him!! AHH!!! We will be on a plane this time next week! Thank you Father!!

"To him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine….to him be the glory"



  1. Excited for your new arrival! You must be very much enjoying your little girl :)
    I was curious, how did you get a referral from IAG? Your dossier was through AGCI, and in the timeline it didn't say you sent in any new dossier's, so I was just curious. We are currently on the AGCI waitlist, but are hopefully adopting through the Philippines. If the Philippines does not work though, I'd be interested in learning more about IAG. Thanks much! ~ Mara Schack

    1. Hi Mara,
      Thanks for your comment! Nice to "meet" you! We did actually submit another dossier to IAG. Our sweet girl was on a waiting child list with IAG so we had to basically start everything over from scratch- new dossier, finances, etc. It was crazy but totally worth it! I would be happy to message you about IAG if you want info. Just saw your welcome post on the AGCI Facebook group- so message me there if you have any questions!
