
December 6, 2013

He is still good

I'm not going to lie- this week has been an emotional roller coaster. The beginning of the week was filled with anxious anticipation as we waited on pins and needles for our interview on Wednesday.  Wednesday morning came with no news from the Embassy- so I emailed them to see what was up. I received an email back that some crazy things had happened, things I have never heard of happening at this stage in the process, and our interview did not happen.  If we weren't so frustrated and exhausted with this process at that point it might have been funny, and now that I'm a few days removed from it I do have to laugh. Satan is literally throwing everything he's got at us to keep our girl from coming home. We were pretty heartbroken and discouraged after that news Wednesday morning. We didn't know how long it would take to be able to get another interview or get the right person to the interview.   Yesterday the Embassy told us their next available appointment wasn't until the 18th of December. Which was another major bummer and we began to see Christmas looming in front of us- getting closer and farther away at the same time.

A fellow adopting mama described this feeling like drowning and you keep getting so close to the surface and then getting pushed back down.  We were desperately fighting for joy and fighting to see that God was still working and faithful to keep his promises even though we couldn't see it. We were crying out to God and begging him to fight for Ryah and to bring her home. We knew satan wouldn't win- but this process has taken a toll on both of us and we are just drained. I have been pushing myself into the Word this week- it's where I need to be, even though I didn't want to. Everywhere I turned and every scripture I read was about God keeping his promises, about his goodness, and faithfulness. I couldn't escape it, but I didn't really want to hear it, if I'm being honest. I just couldn't believe that God would allow these events to happen and allow another delay with Ryah coming home. But he has kept reminding me that he is still good. Even when things don't go the way we think they should. His plans are not our plans, and I am constantly having to surrender to that. Trust in him at ALL times, o people, pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah. Psalm 62:8

Today- my hope is renewed. My hope is in Christ- not in the government. God is the one who will bring Ryah home. This is not a new concept- but I needed to be reminded of that, and boy have we been.  Yesterday, we received an email from a couple we've never met, but they wanted to be a blessing to our family and help bring Ryah home. Their email came at just the right time- just when we were the most discouraged, God placed it on their hearts to help and encourage us. And we received a great, unexpected financial blessing from them this morning. Words are just not enough for the blessing they have been- and we stand amazed at God's provision. Them being the hands and feet of Christ to us today was God reminding us that he's got this- and he's bringing our daughter home. It all belongs to him- every bit of it. The glory is his- he is good and faithful and just. It's all about him- it's always been about him- and every time we try to make it about us is when we lose sight of that. Ryah is his before she is ours- and that is good. We also received word this morning that our interview was rescheduled for next Friday- the 13th, a whole week before we were anticipating and we are rejoicing over that. Please pray for that date and that things will goes as planned this time. We are still praying for a Christmas miracle! These 2 songs have been on repeat in our house this week- I hope they bless you as they have me as I remember to worship him even when things don't go our way.
Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

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