
February 11, 2011

Another Yard Sale!

That's right, we're having another yard sale!! This time, we'll be back home in Georgia.  We are currently almost finished with our dossier paperwork, and about to start our home study, woo hoo!! So this yard sale is going to help us raise some money to go towards that $5,000 we have to send in with the paperwork.  We are so excited to be in this phase of the process and are hoping and praying to be on the waitlist in April!!

So the yard sale is going to be   Saturday March 5,  7am-whenever, and it's going to be at my parents house in Bremen!  We're going to make a flier to send out to everyone so we'll include the address on that.  If any of you Georgia people reading this have anything you want to get rid of just email me and let me know, we'd love to take it off your hands!  We have a couple other things coming up that we're excited to announce, so be looking for that.  We are excited to see how God is going to provide for our family!  Please start covering this event in prayer now.  Pray that we would have lots to sell, great weather, a great turnout,  that God would be glorified through this and many would be able to see the beauty of adoption and the Gospel.

*Don't forget you can still purchase puzzle pieces.  We've sold 89 so far, 411 to go!

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