
February 21, 2011

Exciting News!!

We are a little excited in our house right now!  After about a month's delay, we have finally been given a social worker to do our home study!! Not only that, but she has already contacted us(on a holiday weekend!!) and it looks like we will be fnished with all of our visits by next Wednesday!!! Thank you Lord!! We were so praying that this delay wouldn't cause major problems with the home study getting done way later than we thought.  Especially now that we have to have our FDL in order to submit our dossier.  Our first visit is THIS Wednesday night! I feel like things are really about to take off right now, we're praying to be waitlisted sometime in April! We've got several big fundraisers coming up over the next few weeks with the yard sale and the concert, and now we're adding the home study on top of those, so we're going to be BUSY!  But I wouldn't have it any other way! We are praying for HUGE results with these fundraisers, and that we raise the money we need for our dossier.  Please join with us and pray that things go well, that God is glorified through it all, and that we use all of this as an opportunity to teach others about this journey we are on to display the Gospel in our lives!  God is so so good!


  1. WOOOHOOOOOOOO! so excited for you! praying everything goes smoothly from here on out!!!

  2. YAY!!! SO excited for ya'll! Can't wait for ya'll to get on the waitlist!! :)

  3. I am sure you have heard this before...God funds what He favors. And we KNOW that He favors adoption. Can't wait to watch your fundraisers--let me know if you would like us to donate something for a raffle.

  4. woohoo! It will be here before you know it!
