
May 25, 2011

Oh Happy Day!!

Today is a happy, happy day in the Coalson house!! No, our FDL did not arrive, BUT....our Dossier is on its way to AGCI RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh my goodness, we are so excited!! We had our regularly scheduled paperwork call with our case worker last night, and I almost did not answer the phone because we didn't have any big updates to share or any real questions since we were just waiting on that FDL.  But I am SO glad I answered.  T said she had good news if I was curious and shared with us that since the USCIS process has been taking longer than expected, families who have been fingerprinted at this point could go ahead and send in their dossiers, which means US!!!!! Woo hooo!!! Wow, I still can't believe that the day is finally here!  I ran up to the preschool first thing this morning to make the copies we needed and then headed to the shipping store!!  All that hard work is on its way, here's the results of just about 7 months of paperwork:

Yay, yay, yay!!!
If all goes well, and we don't have to re-do any of the paperwork we should be on the list early next week if not by Friday!! God is so good!!


  1. Such good news girl! So excited for you. Now the real wait begins :)

  2. YAY! Can't wait to celebrate those numbers with you!

    My question for you many times have you checked the tracking number on your dossier shipment??? I know I must have checked it a 100 times! LOL

    Enjoy your evening! Oh Happy Day indeed!

  3. YAY!!! Can't wait for ya'll to join us on the waitlist!!!

  4. That is very exciting, congratulations!!

  5. Wow! One step closer!

    Brooke Annessa

  6. Praise God! He is good, ALWAYS! What a journey of waiting, huh? You are getting so close. :)

  7. Congratulations!!! That is so wonderful! Can't wait to hear those numbers!
