
May 31, 2011

Officially Waiting!!!!!!!!

Oh it feels SO good to write those words!!  I cannot believe we are finally here.  We got the call from our case worker this afternoon, all of our revisions were perfect and we are now on the WAIT LIST!!! Praise God!  Here are our official numbers for the month of May:

For A Girl:

For a Boy:

These numbers basically give us an idea of when we will get the referral of our sweet baby!  They tell us how many families are in front of us on the list, but each family has different age parameters and some are on more than one list like we are.  There is only 1 list, but it's broken down into boy, girl, and siblings.  Because of that, the numbers seem high, but it works out in the end.  You don't have to be #1 on the list to get a referral, you just have to match the qualifications of the child being referred.  Kind of confusing, I know.  From here on out, we will get new numbers every month, and the plus side to getting numbers on the last day of May is that we'll get new numbers pretty quickly for June!  So the wait is on!! Our agency is preparing families for up to 18 months of a wait, it may not take that long, but it could.  However long it takes, we know that God has ordained it to happen and is making sure we get the right child.  Thanks for journeying and praying with us thus far. 

**Little One,
Mommy and Daddy already love you so much and we can't wait to see your sweet face and have you in our arms! We pray for you all the time.  It might seem like a long time until we get to you, but we're coming and we'll be right on time.  All our love!


  1. Congrats you guys! we are so excited that you are finally on the wait list. we hope to not be far behind you!

  2. YAY!!! So excited for ya'll to join us on the waitlist!!! Have fun celebrating!!! Such a fund day!!!

  3. So happy for you Stephanie! Maybe we will be traveling together someday!

  4. CONGRATS! Getting on that list is such a relief!

  5. How awesome is that!

    Brooke Annessa

  6. Finally!! congratulations on getting to the official waiting list. I hope your numbers drop quickly! :)
