
January 30, 2011

48 Pieces!

This is the number of puzzle pieces we have sold so far! Thanks to those of you who have purchased pieces and prayed for us. We are thanking God that we have seen such progress already!  We are encouraged as each and every piece is bought, knowing that it is filling in one more piece of the puzzle in our family's journey.  We are excited to get started putting the puzzle together.  I debated on whether we should put it together as the pieces are bought or just put it together all at once and fill the names in as they come in.  I think we'll go with the latter, otherwise I would have a huge puzzle sitting on our table for months!! Even though we're off to a great start we still have 452 pieces left to sell!! If you don't know what we're doing, check out the original post here, help us spread the word and be a part in bringing our baby home!


  1. Glad to be a part of this with you! Now, I'm not sure how big your puzzle is, but we've been putting ours together on a big wooden cutting board. This has allowed us to put it together as we go, and move it around when needed. Have fun piecing yours together!

  2. hmm, that's a good idea! I'll have to see if ours will fit on our cutting board. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for popping by! Oh, and you could always get one of those roll-up puzzle keepers. I am a big puzzle-doer, and they are pretty handy! (Otherwise I just use a huge cork board and slide it under the bed when I need space).
