
January 16, 2011

Puzzle Fundraiser!!!

Ok folks, here is our latest fundraiser.  We are currently in the process of working on our homestudy and dossier, praise the Lord!! These are the last things we need to complete in order to get on the waiting list for our baby! We are getting closer every day and we are so thankful to be this far along already.  God has faithfully provided all we have needed up to this point and we are confident that He will continue to do so.  We saw great success with our last fundraiser and we pray that this one will go just as well! With this next chunk of paperwork we need $5,000 to send in with it.  These fees will cover the translation and authentication of our dossier as well as take care of some international fees.

 So, we have purchased this puzzle to hang in our baby's room (we're thinking of going with a Pooh theme since it's pretty gender neutral, and I happen to be a big fan :)  )
We're asking that you purchase a piece of the puzzle for $10(or more if you'd like).  You can donate through paypal here on the blog, or you can contact us at: scoalson104(at)gmail(dot)com to get our address and send a check.  We will then write your name on the back of a piece of the puzzle and once the puzzle is completed we will hang the puzzle in a double-sided frame in our baby's room as a reminder of everyone who helped bring our baby home.  We think this will be a great way for friends and family to be a part of this process.  Our goal is to sell 500 pieces of the puzzle, which will cover all of our fees! There are actually 1000 pieces, so it would be great to sell more, but 500 is our goal. Please help us spread the word and tell everyone you know!  Thanks for being a piece of the puzzle in our family's journey!

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