
January 20, 2011

Education Done!!

      Woohoo!! Our education is done, and with a few days to spare! Our goal was to have it finished by the time Aaron went back to school this semester, we finished it Monday night and he went back to school today! It is such a relief to have that done, now we can focus on the dossier paperwork and not have that nagging feeling that we should be working on homework.  So excited that that daunting workbook is now complete, and it definitely was a labor of love!
       As of right now we're waiting to be assigned a social worker to start our homestudy visits and working on the dossier paperwork, we're slowly checking things off the list!!!!! Definitely feels real now! We've sold about 12 pieces of the puzzle so far, so keep spreading the word!! We need to get this thing complete! The puzzle just arrived in the mail today, so I'm excited to start working on it! I got to have dinner with a new blog friend last night.  I love that we have this community of other families who all have a passion for the same thing, it was great to get to meet one of those special ladies!  Thanks for praying with us and following our journey!

*sidenote-has anyone had trouble commenting on here since I changed the look? I got a note from someone that did, but I tried it and didn't have any problems. Wasn't sure if it was an isolated thing or not. Email me at scoalson104(at)gmail(dot)com if you are having problems and I'll try to figure it out!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! So glad that your education is done, and that you got to meet sweet Bobi!! So fun!
