
November 12, 2010

$20 Dollar Difference

Ok folks, here it is, our first big fundraiser!!  We're hoping to start this fundraising out with a bang!

Here's the deal, we need to raise about $4,000(hopefully more!) in order to be able to send in our first big chunk of paperwork to really get the ball rolling.  And we need to do it in less than 90 days.  This first part of the paperwork needs to be turned in before we can begin working on our dossier(which is even more paperwork that has to be completed in order for us to get on the waitlist for a baby!)  So, here's where we're aksing you guys to help us out.  We're asking everyone we know to donate $20(or more if you'd like) to our adoption fund so we can bring our baby home!  $20, that's it!  That's giving up one trip to the movies this month, or a couple of Starbucks drinks, or whatever it is you normally spend your $20 on, and its for an awesome cause.

Your $20 will make an incredible difference in the life of a child who may not otherwise know or experience the love of Christ.  Your $20 will give a home to the fatherless.  It's as simple as clicking the donate button on the left side of the blog, or if you'd like you can email me at scoalson104(at)gmail(dot)com to get our mailing address and you can send cash or check.  If we get enough people to join us, this can be huge! So please tell everyone you know, we need your help spreading the word. Blog it, tweet it, Facebook it, email it, whatever you can think of! Thank you for supporting our adoption. Let's see God do something extraordinary out of the ordinary!

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