
November 28, 2010

Yard Sale!

We're having a yard sale!! I've got a spare room full of donated items and next Saturday we're going to get rid of them.  It has been so awesome to see the generosity of people around us, some of whom we don't even know personally, but have heard our story and given us some great things to sell.  It's probably going to take me the majority of the week to get everything priced, but it's so going to be worth it.  We've already been bathing next weekend in prayer and would love for you to pray with us.  Pray for good weather, lots of visitors, and that all who come would experience the gospel.  We've advertised on various websites, we just put an ad in the local paper, and we're hoping to have lots of help spreading the word.  So if you're in the Wake Forest area, or know someone who is let them know about our yard sale. Here's the details
December 4 7:00-1:00
Highgate Park Neighborhood in Wake Forest (very close to downtown)

We can't wait to see what God is going to do through this sale to bring our baby home!  I've also got an awesome story for you that I'll get to in a day or two to update you on how things are going.  There's only one week left to enter the cabin giveaway, so make sure you get those entries in!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I just saw that you are from Wake Forest! We live in Edenton, NC and have just been accepted by AGCI in the Ethiopia adoption program! I would love to connect somehow as we do not know but one other family in NC that has adopted from Ethiopia! our blog is
