
November 19, 2010


So far, after one week, we've had a pretty good response to our $20 Difference Giveaway.....with this and a few previous donations, we're close to being half way to our goal of raising $4000 in less than 90 days.  But there's still 2 weeks left to enter, so don't forget!  It's been awesome to see people get behind us and spread the word about our blog, donate, email their friends, and even post our giveaway on their blog, some of these people we don't even know! God is so good, and He is constantly reminding us(me especially) day by day that He's the one who's going to provide for this baby.  Everything is going to happen in His timing, not ours, and this is so evident in how He keeps us going by allowing a small increase in our donations each day.  Each day we end with more money in the fund than we began with is a blessing and another reason to be thankful this season. Ultimately we want people to see the gospel through this process, and I pray that for every person who comes across this blog.

Today I'm resting in Romans 8:28-And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. (ESV)
Even when we have bad days or days of discouragement, we know that we are called to this and the Lord will work it out according to His purpose. Each day we are one step closer to our child.

Thank you all for your generosity and prayers, keep those entries coming!!

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